Saturday, February 15, 2025

LETTER: Dixon is the whole package

To my friends, neighbors and voters in Flower Mound,

If you are not aware, there is an important election for mayor this Saturday. While I do not make a habit of publicly endorsing a candidate, I feel it is very important that I do so now. The mayor’s race is between two candidates, Steve Dixon and Cathy Strathmann.

Cathy Strathmann has no experience in city service but is running on the usual buzz words; too much density, too many apartments, too much traffic. She also apparently delights in disparaging her opponent.

The other candidate, Steve Dixon, has served our town over the years in many capacities, not the least of which was serving on the P&Z Commission for five years and the Town Council for six years. Yes, eleven years of bi-weekly, long night meetings away from his wife and daughters, unselfishly serving our town and structuring our future. How fortunate we are that he wants to serve as our mayor. It is not often you get the complete package; leadership, experience, knowledge, Christian values, integrity and charisma.

Of all Flower Mound mayors in my 25 years of living here, working here and interacting with city officials, I feel like we have never had a better candidate for mayor. To know Steve is to like and respect him. Please don’t accept my word for it, ask those that know him and have served with him. He not only is the perfect choice, he is the only choice. I realize that early voting in this runoff election is over, but June 16th is Election Day.  Please join me in electing Steve Dixon to lead us into the future.

Ken Hodge
Flower Mound, TX

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