I want to personally congratulate the Argyle High School Girls Basketball Team on their fourth state title. These girls really make our community proud with all their hard work and commitment.
March 22, 2018 marked the end of an era. Chief William Tackett retired from the Argyle Police Department after over 25 years of service to our community. We want to thank him for his years of service and wish him well in his retirement.
Webster’s Dictionary defines Community as: a group of people who work together towards a common goal, who share the same core beliefs and help each other out through the hard times.
This article is titled “Around Argyle” and I generally talk about all the things going on in town. I sometimes have a difficult time finding enough events or activities to fill the article. I do try to make sure every article is happy and whimsical.
Well, what is happing “Around Argyle” lately does not make me feel very happy or whimsical but it is the truth. We have a great community and even a little bit of down home feel left in our little town even though it is 2018. We openly welcome newcomers to town and I feel we truly don’t mind sharing our little slice of heaven with others.

It has become apparent that our little secret is out and there are others that want to partake in our lifestyle, or do they? Lately when individuals come in and say “I want to be part of the Community” I must pause and take a breath because all too often there is a caveat to that statement. That caveat being ‘IF’ they can build a certain business or scrape sixty acres clean and build three hundred homes. Buying a piece of land and putting up a building for a new business and dreaming of the profits to be made from the endeavors you want to pursue is not being part of the community!
I had a developer tell me in a meeting that he was going to be part of the community so I didn’t need to worry if they were going to adhere to codes or build a quality product. I then apologized and told him I was not aware he was going to move to Argyle and asked him where he was looking. He promptly replied “Oh I’m not moving to Argyle, I just meant we were going to be part of the community as we were building our development.” That’s what I’m talking about, just because someone drives through Argyle doesn’t mean they are part of the community. And that’s what developers and individuals with grand ideas do. They drive through our town, become part of the “Community” for a moment, and then we are left to look at the results.
What I don’t think people understand is “When you have something special, you need to truly appreciate and protect it!” When the community stands up together and speaks out against intrusion, the proponents for change get offended that anything was said at all. We need to make sure our community stays a community.
Be sure to attend our first annual Argyle Derby Day on Saturday, May 5th. Activities include:
- Opening and unveiling the new Argyle Community Park on Crawford Road
- Kentucky Derby Watch Party
- Children’s Events & Exhibitions
- Food Trucks
- Live Music from Tanner Fenoglio & Charlie J. Memphis Bands
- Games
- Bounce Houses
- Local Vendors
- Fun for the Entire Family!!!
Sign up to volunteer for this event here: https://goo.gl/8CTmuE
To inquire about participating as a vendor for this event please email:
Matt Jones – [email protected]
Jay Dill – [email protected]
Todd Mankin – [email protected]
May 5th is also an extremely important day for the Town of Argyle. Proposition-A Sales Tax Reallocation Proposal will be up for vote. I encourage everyone to vote “YES” on this proposition – It looks a little confusing, but essentially, it’s taking a half cent tax we already have allocated to our Economic Development Corporation (EDC) and dividing that in half and allocating that half to our CIP (Capital Improvement Project) fund – this includes Street Maintenance. The end result being that instead of half a cent going to the EDC, one quarter cent will go to EDC and the other quarter cent going to our CIP fund to include Street Maintenance. This is so important for our town as there has never been a funds set aside for street maintenance. This is a proposal our town greatly needs to pass.
With all the event going on May 5th, I will be cancelling the Morning with the Mayor for that day. We will pick back up on June 2nd.