Argyle Town Council approved Tuesday a proposed utilization schedule for when the Argyle Youth Sports Association will use the soon-to-be-completed Argyle Community Park.
Council approved a license agreement with the AYSA in December for use of the facilities in the park, including several ball fields. On Tuesday night, council unanimously approved AYSA proposed spring and fall baseball/softball schedules.
The spring season will run from Feb. 1 through July 1, and the fall season Aug 15 through Nov. 30. For each season, the AYSA will utilize the ball fields from 4-10 p.m. during the week and from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. on weekends.
During the council meeting, AYSA President William Strittmatter told Mayor Don Moser that AYSA will be flexible with its schedule to accomodate other groups — like, for example, a church softball league — who want to use the ball fields during the same times.
The Argyle Community Park, as it is currently being called, is located on the southside of Crawford Road near the railroad tracks, and its grand opening day has been set for May 5.