Sunday, February 9, 2025

Denton County Tax Office launches online check-in system

A screenshot of the Denton County Tax Office’s new online check-in service.

The Denton County Tax Office announced Wednesday that it has launched an online check-in system for residents to reserve their place in line before they arrive at the office.

Customers can now go to the Tax Office website, select the office location and get in line before they arrive at an office with the new service, “Wait Anywhere.”

Denton County Tax Office first began testing the NEMO Q system queuing system in its Carrollton location in October 2016. With the Tax Office being able to manage the servicing of different transaction types it helps to reduce overall wait times. Since then, NEMO Q systems have been added to all Denton County Tax Office locations. Once up and running in all our locations, the Tax office began monitoring our different locations with a global dashboard interface making us the first users in North America and only the third government entity in the entire world to do so.

Residents can click on “Get in Line Today” for the specific office they want to visit and actually get in line prior to traveling. Simply by entering mobile phone number and selecting the service type they need, the system will generate text messages that will inform them of their anticipated arrival time to the selected location. If a customer needs more time or decides to cancel, a simple one-character response to the prompt can add time to their anticipated arrival time or cancel all together. Once the customer arrives in the office, they simply check in at the kiosk with their phone number.

“We are so excited as we have worked diligently to improve efficiency to be able to offer additional new services to our customers,” said Denton County Tax Assessor/Collector Michelle French. “The addition of the queuing system has greatly reduced our overall wait times. The month of January is the Tax Office’s busiest time of the year. In January of 2017 wait times ranged on average between 45 minutes to 90 minutes per customer. A year later, January 2018 saw our longest wait times never exceed 30 minutes, with average wait times dropping below 15 minutes in all Tax Office locations. With the inclusion of the new Wait Anywhere program in our queuing system, we anticipate continued reductions in our wait times.”

Future innovations of the queuing system will allow for customers to make appointment times for future dates and times.

Mark Smith
Mark Smith
Mark Smith is the Digital Editor of The Cross Timbers Gazette.

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