Friday, February 7, 2025

Argyle Police Blotter

The following is a summary of incident reports recently made to the Argyle Police Department as compiled by the staff of The CTG:

On Oct. 27 at 9 a.m., a longhorn got its horns stuck in a fence in the 500 block of South Gibbons Road. It was freed about 15 minutes later.

On Oct. 31 at 3:15 p.m., a woman driving on Interstate 35W in Argyle called 911 when she discovered a snake under her dashboard. She pulled over, and an officer removed it from the vehicle.

On Nov. 6 at 5:22 p.m., a white bull was seen south of FM 407 near Interstate 35W running north and “appeared to be spooked.”

On Nov. 7 at 11:35 a.m., someone reported a suspicious man messing with their neighbor’s gate on Old Justin Road. It turned out to be a man who came to fix his mother-in-law’s gate.

On Nov. 8 at 6 a.m., police saw a vehicle that someone had complained about the day before. The officers started following it and stopped it in the 900 block of East Pioneer Circle. Turns out, the driver was delivering newspapers. The police report adds that “her passenger is Henry the dog.”

On Nov. 9 at 8:04 a.m., police responded to traffic complaints at Hwy 377 and Frenchtown Road. It was a “full blown turkey in the middle of the roadway,” causing a backup. The turkey was cleared off the road and given a warning that Thanksgiving would soon be here.

On Nov. 10 at 12:15 a.m., a woman driving on the I-35W service road at the FM 407 exit struck a guardrail and then pulled into the Paradise gas station parking lot. A passenger in the vehicle told dispatchers that they had gotten into an argument and she punched him and kicked him in the face. He exited the vehicle and hid behind the gas station to call police. The woman was arrested on suspicion of DWI.

On Nov. 11 at 8:41 p.m., a driver headed south on Hwy 377 just south of FM 407 reported that another vehicle struck two deer and kept going.

On Nov. 11 at 11:35 a.m., a man went to the drive-through at a bank in the 100 block of Old Town Boulevard South. The shades were open and he sent something through the tube, but no one had come to the window, and he was “concerned someone inside might be in distress.” Then he saw a sign that said the bank was closed for Veterans Day.

CTG Staff
CTG Staff
The Cross Timbers Gazette News Department

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