Friday, July 26, 2024

Weir: Jason Webb running for Flower Mound Council

Bob Weir and Flower Mound Town Council candidate Jason Webb. (Photo and video by Netsky Rodriquez)
Bob Weir and Flower Mound Town Council candidate Jason Webb. (Photo and video by Netsky Rodriquez)

In case you haven’t noticed, there are a lot of people running for Town Council seats in Flower Mound this year. That’s because of the seat which was vacated late last year when Councilman Brian Rountree resigned. His term of office would have continued until May of 2017. During the interim, the Council appointed former Councilman Mark Wise to the seat until May of this year, when a new councilmember could be elected to serve out the remaining year.

Recently, Flower Mound resident Jason Webb, who is not related to Councilman Bryan Webb, applied to run for the unexpired one-year term in Place 1. On Monday, Mr. Webb sat for a video interview, which accompanies this article. His opponent, Cathy Strathman, has also been scheduled for a video interview.

In his official announcement, Jason Webb said the following:

“I love Flower Mound.  I love the amenities, the schools, the parks, and the community. But most of all I love the people of Flower Mound. Fourteen years ago after graduating from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, my wife, Jennifer, and I moved to Flower Mound to minister and to serve the people of this community. Whether as an Associate Pastor, a volunteer leader, or by serving on the Board of Adjustments and the Oil and Gas Appeals Board, I have desired to serve the individuals and families of Flower Mound.  I have always done my best to treat everyone with honor, dignity, and respect.

“Over the last year, I have been saddened by the turmoil that has gripped our town politics. We have seen allegations and investigations, and the citizens have not been served by their government as they should be.  I believe that the people of Flower Mound deserve better. We need representatives who understand that we are a community of neighbors.  We need to get away from the divisiveness and nitpicking that has characterized our town’s politics.   We need a strong leader who can bring us together to continue to make Flower Mound the best place to live, raise our families and do business.

“It is because I care and my heart to serve the people of Flower Mound that I announce my intention to run for Town Council, Place 1. As a council member I will work to continue to be one of the safest places to live.  I will work with our Police and Fire Departments to ensure they have the necessary tools to do their job.  I would like to foster community by allowing for open spaces and continuing to see improvements and additions to our parks and trails.  As we continue to grow I will uphold the standards which have made Flower Mound a unique and desirable place to do business.

“I will represent the people of Flower Mound with honor, dignity, and respect.  We are a community and on Town Council I will reflect that; always listening, always seeking to understand, and always being fair.  I will be a representative who works with other council members, town staff, and the citizens to continue to see Flower Mound be the example of what a community should be. I ask for your support as we work together to continue making Flower Mound the best place to live.” For more info on Jason Webb go to his Facebook page at:

 Election Day is May 7th, early voting begins April 25 – May 3, 2016.

Bob Weir is a long-time Flower Mound resident and former local newspaper editor.

Bob Weir
Bob Weir
Bob Weir is a former NYPD officer, long-time Flower Mound resident and former local newspaper editor.

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