Saturday, September 7, 2024

Watt’s up this spring

led lightbulbsby Tami Church, TLC Electrical

Springtime in Texas is just a blip on the weather scope.

Right now pool covers are coming off and air conditioners are preparing to run from now to October.  With high temps and sunny days around the corner, your home’s electrical systems could use some Spring Cleaning.

Electrical panels are usually out of sight and out of mind, until something goes wrong.  It can be a strain when the electrical panel starts carrying the added load of an air conditioner and other seasonal systems.  Don’t start spring in Texas without checking your electrical panel.

Electrical panel maintenance is essential to ensure your home’s electrical panel is up to code and operates properly and efficiently.  During electrical panel maintenance, an electrician will tighten all electrical connections, check amp readings and load balance.

An inspection of your pool’s electrical system by a licensed electrician is recommended by the American Red Cross and the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission. During this inspection, an electrician will check for proper grounding, make sure GFI protection is in place, and that your pool’s electrical system meets all current National Electrical Codes.

With spring here, higher electric costs are just around the corner.  These costs can be reduced and your home made more comfortable by switching from incandescent lighting to energy efficient LED lighting.  This switch can be as simple as changing your 60-watt incandescent bulbs to 10-watt LED bulbs.

Incandescent can lights in kitchens, bathrooms and living areas can use 60- to 75-watts and put off as much heat as 210 degrees Fahrenheit; while their LED equivalent uses about 12-watts and are cool to the touch at about 96-degrees Fahrenheit.

Installing and using a Home Automation System and programing your air conditioner, pool equipment and lights for use only when certain areas of your home are occupied will also help control energy costs.  Home Automation Systems are convenient and easy to use.  These systems can be customized for any budget or size home.

Lastly, don’t forget to install ceiling fans.  A ceiling fan is an easy and affordable way to decorate, light and make your indoor and outdoor living areas more comfortable during warmer weather.

Have a great spring and contact TLC Electrical for more information at 817-424-2684 or on the web at (Lic. # TECL 19542)

CTG Staff
CTG Staff
The Cross Timbers Gazette News Department

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