We have several projects currently underway or scheduled to begin this year. These projects are much needed and some may cause traffic congestion so please bear with us. I’d like to provide you an update on the projects and their timeline.
Highland Shores Water Line Replacement Project:
This project consists of replacing the existing 16-inch water line along Highland Shores Boulevard from Highland Village Road to Briarhill Boulevard and adding a hike and bike trail from Remington East to Highland Village Road. The existing water line was originally constructed in the 1980’s with Highland Shores Phase 1. Construction is underway and anticipated to be completed in late spring, 2016, weather permitting.
Highland Village Road Water Line Replacement Project:
This project consists of replacing the existing eight-inch water line along Highland Village Road with a ten-inch water line from FM 407 to the Highland Shores Boulevard/Brazos Boulevard intersection. A contractor has been secured to build the project. Construction is currently underway with an estimated completion date in late spring 2016, weather permitting.
Sellmeyer Lane Reconstruction:
The Sellmeyer Lane improvements come with the approval of Wichita Estates, a new 18.70 acre subdivision on land in between Lake Vista and Montclair subdivisions at the Sellmeyer Lane “S” curve. Sellmeyer Lane will be straightened and widened to a 31-foot wide concrete paved road with curb and gutter. Additionally a ten-foot wide hike and bike trail will be built to connect the trail at Murray Park and Highland Village Road trail. The project began in March 2015 and experienced delays due to excavation of old utilities and the 2015 spring/summer floods. Now, the contractor for the Wichita Estates subdivision has completed their portion of the Sellmeyer Lane paving improvements. The City’s contractor is constructing their portion of Sellmeyer, north of the subdivision to Highland Village Road and south of the subdivision to Foggy Glen. The road is anticipated to be complete by late spring 2016, weather permitting.
Canyon Creek Drainage Culverts Replacement Project:
The 2015 spring and summer floods caused material failure of the culverts under Canyon Creek Road which caused the street paving to fail. This year’s budget funded a project to replace the culverts with concrete box culverts that are anticipated to last 50 years. Project design is complete. Several easements are required to install the proposed new design. Staff is in the process of easement acquisition. Construction is anticipated to begin in late winter of this year, weather permitting.
Highland Village Road Overlay Project:
The project consists of an overlay of Highland Village Road between the KCS Railroad and the Brazos Boulevard/Highland Shores Boulevard intersection. The asphalt overlay on the northern and eastern portions of Highland Village Road was completed in a previous project. If funding allows, the overlay will also include Nowlin, Stone Canyon and Canyon Creek which are side streets off of Highland Village Road. The project is being done in conjunction with the Highland Village Road water line replacement project, which is expected to be complete in late spring 2016. The overlay project is anticipated to begin in summer 2016.
FM 2499 Screening Wall replacement Project:
This project consists of replacing approximately 1,300 linear feet of brick screening wall along the east side of FM 2499 from Highland Shores Boulevard north to Northwood Drive. Funding was approved in the 2016 budget for this project. The design plans are complete and the project is currently out to bid. This project is anticipated to move to the construction phase in late winter and be complete in spring, 2016, weather permitting.
Doubletree Ranch Park:
Steeped in Highland Village history, this park is going to be a beautiful gem in our city. Doubletree Ranch Park will include a pavilion, walking trails, a splash pad and a natural habitat viewing area. The pavilion and concession building captures the history of the site and are two of the nicest facilities I’ve seen at a park. Stay tuned for opening information, which is expected to be in early summer.
As you can see, there is a lot taking place in Highland Village! In closing, I want to remind you to look in Highland Village first as you prepare for our next big holiday, Valentine’s Day! We have many restaurants here for you to take your special someone. There are many boutique stores so you can give a unique gift to the one you love. We can’t say it enough, make it a habit to shop and dine Highland Village first. I look forward to seeing you around town and appreciate all of you!