2015–2016 Budget and Tax Rate Approved
The Double Oak Town Council on Sept. 26 approved the 2015–2016 budget and tax rate. Council voted to increase the tax rate from 0.22481 per $100 of valuation to 0.23240. That’s an increase of .00759 over last year’s rate. The council has been discussing the upcoming budget since July and has received public comments during the process.
The town has for the last few years balanced the adopted budgets by bringing over funds from the general fund balance sheet. The tax rate increase will help decrease the town’s annual budget deficit. Additionally, the town has been discussing calling for a one-percent sales tax election in May 2016.
Community Dinner Honoring Our Double Oak Volunteer Firefighters
This is a potluck dinner and you are invited! It’s happening at 7 p.m. on October 13. You can become a “volunteer” if you could offer to bring an appetizer, main dish, side, dessert, bread or accessories! Then bring your family, your food and come join! The firefighters are available to show kids the trucks, answer your questions and just chat. Any questions or comments, please feel free to contact: Nan Bowen at [email protected]
DOWC Halloween Fun Fest
On Saturday, October 24 from 2-5 p.m. at town hall come out for old fashioned carnival games, cake walk, bounce house, face painting and other fun activities for the children of Double Oak and our neighbors. Your help is greatly needed for this activity to be a success for our younger residents. We will need volunteers to help set up and clean up, run the games, and sell treats and beverages.
We also need donations of bags of candy and we will be collecting baked goods for our cake walk. If you have Halloween/Fall decorations that you no longer need please consider donating them also. To volunteer your time or make a donation, please contact Terry Kennewell at [email protected].
Donations can be dropped off at Double Oak Town Hall the week of October 19-24. Thank you in advance for all of your help.
Double Oak wishes everyone a happy and safe Halloween!