Flower Mound officials unanimously voted Monday to change how developers can account for trees they remove during construction in certain areas of the town.
Thus, the removal of the following tree mitigation exemption inside a section of land development regulations:
“All property zoned for nonresidential use and included within the Lakeside Business District, the Denton Creek District and all specific plan areas as defined in the town’s comprehensive plan relative only to the requirements of replacement trees and or cash equivalents for the removal of protected, specimen, majestic and/or historic trees pursuant to a tree removal permit granted by the town council.”
Going forth, non-residential development in the mentioned locations must mitigate for the removal of protected, specimen and historic trees that were approved for removal during the development process.
Developers will have to plant a replacement tree or make a payment to the town instead.
Mayor Tom Hayden and Councilman Bryan Webb (Place 2) plan to put forward another means of saving tree coverage.
Read more details about the mitigation plan in previous CTG reports.