Saturday, December 14, 2024

HV Cub Scout Pack celebrates 20 years

Parker Cone, Donovan Cashen, Christopher Harvey, Paul Rochelle and their fathers pose for a photo during the Cub Scout Pack 1163 of Highland Village Blue & Gold Banquet.
Parker Cone, Donovan Cashen, Christopher Harvey, Paul Rochelle and their fathers pose for a photo during the Cub Scout Pack 1163 of Highland Village Blue & Gold Banquet.

Cub Scout Pack 1163 of Highland Village recently celebrated Scouting’s 105th birthday and the pack’s 20th year of service with the annual Cub Scout Blue & Gold Banquet – advancement and graduation ceremonies at Lamb of God Lutheran Church in Flower Mound.

With 100 Scouts, parents and other family members attending, the pack enjoyed a special address from Heritage Elementary School Principal Toby Maxson as he talked about the importance of citizenship. Maxson focused on the Pack’s 20 years of service to Heritage and the community and thanked everyone for their dedication to making them great.

Attendees received a catered dinner by Highland Village’s Bistecca restaurant.   Afterwards, Bistecca owner Morris Salerno addressed the boys and talked about the difference scouting made in his own life, crediting it to setting him on the path to entrepreneurship.

The program celebrated the birthday of scouting and featured the scout oath and law as the building blocks of character on boxes across the stage.  Scouts built a 9-foot tall Lego scout with the “building blocks” materials signifying the internalization of the scout oath featuring duty to God, Country and helping others people, and the guidelines of the scout law.  Scouts affirmed the following laws:  A scout is: Trustworth, Loyal, Helpful, Friendly, Courteous, Kind, Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty, Brave, Clean and Reverent.

The banquet concluded with the Cub Scout graduation of 4 Webelos II Scouts – Parker Cone, Donovan Cashen, Christopher Harvey and Paul Rochelle – who earned the highest award in Cub Scouting – The Arrow of Light.

The Scouts then walked over a symbolic bridge and were received on the other side by Lamb of God’s Boy Scout Troop 265 to continue their pursuit of Boy Scouting’s highest honor – The Eagle rank. The Banquet concluded with a ceremonial dance and POW WOW led by the Mic-O-Say Dancers from Troop 451 and the Lone Star Dance District.

CTG Staff
CTG Staff
The Cross Timbers Gazette News Department

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