Friday, May 10, 2024

Letter: Filidoro polarizing but ethical

I just read Ms. Mizeur’s opinion piece “Can a leopard change his spots?” online. If I understand Ms. Mizeur correctly, she has filed an ethics complaint against Mr. Filidoro and then criticizes him because he is defending himself against her accusations.

It appears there is a vendetta (a series of acts done by someone over a long period of time to cause harm to a disliked person). I believe Ms. Mizeur’s treatment of Mr. Filidoro meets this definition. It is obvious Ms. Mizeur does not like Mr. Filidoro.

I have known Al Filidoro on a professional and personal basis for almost 25 years. We don’t always agree but I know that he has always conducted himself ethically. Al can be a dynamic and polarizing guy. He is also fair, and is someone you can count on to get things done, and get them done right. I have seen Al contribute his time and expertise to people who need help but could not afford to pay him. He has mediated many cases without compensation. Al has supported several charities such as the SGK Race for the Cure. He doesn’t do these things so people will see his actions and decide to elect him to some office, he does them selflessly because there is a need. On Al’s behalf, I will say this is why is he is seeking the office of JP.

He has my vote.

Tom Curtiss
Flower Mound, TX


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