Sunday, December 15, 2024

Meeting scheduled to discuss Lantana crosswalk

Lantana fresh water supply district officials have called a special meeting for Monday night to discuss pedestrian safety at the intersection of Lantana Trail and Stacee Lane after a 9-year-old boy was clipped by a vehicle last Monday while riding his bike to school.

The accident occurred just over a year after a second grader on a bicycle was struck by a vehicle at the crosswalk on April 11, 2012. There were no serious injuries in either accident.

The two fresh water supply districts installed crosswalk signage in fall 2010, a school zone in January 2012, commissioned a traffic study last fall and modified the crosswalk this January due to safety concerns, but now some residents are calling for more measures, including the addition of crossing guards and adding 3-way stop signs.

Board members considered adding stop signs at the intersection last spring, but a traffic study conducted by the districts’ engineering firm, Huitt-Zollars, did not show a need for them.

Although the intersection is in Fresh Water Supply District #7, board members from both district #6 and #7 will weigh in on the issue, since children from both districts use the crosswalk.

Residents will have the ability to address the boards at the beginning of the meeting.

The meeting will be held at 6 p.m. at the Lantana Fresh Water Supply District office in Bartonville Town Center, 2650 FM 407 E, Suite 125, Bartonville, TX 76226.

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