Friday, December 13, 2024

The truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth…Really?

We are all familiar with the phrase “the truth, the whole, truth and nothing but the truth” and what it implies.  But we also know that just because someone swears to be telling the truth, it doesn’t mean they actually are telling the truth, or at least the “whole truth.”  In fact, many people commit perjury to get out of a crime and often do so successfully. 

The problem with our society is that people are not always held accountable for their actions and are often rewarded for lying.  In fact, there is a book by James B. Stewart entitled “Tangled Webs” that discusses this very problem.  According to Corinne Gregory, the book “explores how high-profile cases of perjury are not only undermining our judicial system, but in some ways, the very fabric of our society.”  I continue this line of thought by stating the behaviors of our political leaders are also fraying the fabric of our society. 

Campaign literature of opposing candidates often contradicts one another, so which is the voter to believe?  How do we know the candidates are telling the truth or just saying things we want to hear to gain a vote?  Unfortunately, campaigns may not be won because the candidate was the most qualified or had similar preferences to the majority of the voters, but because the candidate and his/her campaign workers were the best at deceiving the public.  Based on what I’ve been witnessing in this year’s electoral campaign, I am concerned that the voters may be voting for candidates that have different preferences than their own, because they are basing their decisions on inaccurate or incomplete information. 

I believe in the democratic process, but for it to work well voters must be fully informed with accurate information and the majority of the public should participate in the voting process.  Consequently, I encourage every registered voter to fully research each candidate.  Do not rely on campaign literature or hearsay, but read the Town Council minutes, view the video tapes, find the records of how each candidate behaved in the past and determine for yourself if their actions match their words. 

I have done my research and it seems to me that if you want voting members of council to promote high density apartments set closely to our roadways then Dixon may be your preferred candidate, because during his last term of office he approved the Morris Road apartments that are currently under construction.  On the other hand, if this type of development is not to your liking then perhaps Filidoro would be your preferred councilmember, since he voted against the site plan. 

Personally, I think the apartments are way too close to the roadway because it not only reduces the aesthetics of the project and creates a safety hazard for those living roadside, but also reduces the likelihood of meeting the projected rental values of those roadside properties.  In my opinion, aesthetics, safety and economics were compromised, because the majority of the previous Council (which included Dixon) did not have the strength to demand a higher quality project.

When development proposals come to Council, citizen concerns are not always resolved up front and the Council may have to make the tough decision to approve the site plan as proposed or encourage the developer to modify it to address safety, aesthetic or other issues that may impact our quality of life. 

If you want tough negotiators then Filidoro and Lyda would fit the bill, because they know good developers will return with improved products.  For example, the proposed Kroger upgrade is not necessarily a lost opportunity; it is very likely that it will return to the Council with the necessary improvements (regardless of who wins this election).  This is not an unusual occurrence as Mr. Hayden well knows, but has conveniently forgotten to share with the public. 

Apparently, he has forgotten that on June 21, 2010 Hayden, Filidoro, and Lyda voted against the first proposal of the Orchard Flower Village (a senior living community) which has since returned with a markedly improved product that was ultimately approved unanimously by Council.  The development representatives said “we listened” and brought a much more “unique” and “special” product.  There are 102 residential lots of single story homes designed for residents 55 and older with two retail buildings, a Flower Mound gateway, significant amenities and landscaping including 23.7% of open space.  I am personally grateful we have a much higher quality product than was originally proposed. 

However, this is not the case with everyone – during his last term of office Candidate Dixon voted for the first proposal and Candidate Webb recently stated he too would have also accepted the first proposal.  I suppose some people view their role on Council is to merely support any kind of development.  Personally, I’d rather have representatives that are willing to advocate for the citizens so we approve the highest quality development. 

There are a myriad of ways to learn about your candidates.  Please take the time to do the research.  Don’t be mislead by propaganda or you may find yourself voting for a candidate whose actions are in direct conflict with his words.  I have done my research and for me  Northern, Filidoro and Lyda have proven to be true to their word.  They have fulfilled their campaign promises and have placed the citizens first.  They are public servants I can trust.  Flower Mound voters, good luck with your research and may your vote reflect the candidate that best matches your preferences.

Laurie Long
Flower Mound, TX

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