Thursday, December 12, 2024

Bill Irwin: A public servant, not a politician

Bill Irwin, a longtime resident of Highland Village who has served our city with distinction for over 20 years in numerous positions, both City Council and appointed, is asking us to choose him as our next Mayor. 

Although Highland Village has only this one contested seat for City Council, this election is of particular importance.  We have been blessed with a series of successive mayors of outstanding quality. We don’t have to have agreed with everything that each of them did or exactly how they ran their term in office to recognize that our city has come a long way in the past several years.  This election will determine if we are to continue that high level of leadership and integrity with a Mayor who has a natural sense of bearing and presence. We have a right to expect that the person who will sit as Mayor be capable not only of handling council meetings and matters internal to the city, but as well to project an appropriate image of Highland Village whenever he represents us, be it locally, regionally, in Austin, Washington or anywhere else.  We have had these elements in the past; we need them in the future.  We have a choice between two candidates who differ greatly in these qualities, as well as in other areas, such as meaningful experience and reason for seeking the office.

Bill, a quiet man of tremendous energies, who views himself as “a public servant, not a politician” has proven his desire to participate in the positive growth and development of Highland Village time and time again. When there has been a need, Bill has stepped forward and not just within City government.  He is a Lifetime Member of the Texas PTA,  former Board Member of United Way, Big Brothers/Sisters and the Boy Scouts and was the Founding Chairman of the Parks Foundation Board.  Within the City government structure Bill has been VP of HV Economic Development Board, Chairman of the HV Parks Board, Chairman of the HV Board of Ethics and is currently serving on City Council.  Previously he served on Council in 2001-2003.  Bill has had a lot to do with the development of our parks and trails system as well as with the current commercial property and sales tax base we now enjoy. 

With a proven track record such as Bill’s you don’t have to “gild the lily”; the record speaks for itself, as does Bill.  He is an independent candidate without hidden agenda.  Most of his service for Highland Village has been in the background, working diligently in all these several endeavors to accomplish those things, the heart and soul of the city, which have been necessary to bring Highland Village forward through all that it has become over the last 20 years.  Bill Irwin’s goal is to continue to serve our city as “public servant”, not just to fulfill a desire to “sit in the Mayor’s chair”. 

All of Bill’s experience across such a broad spectrum of civic activities gives him a unique advantage in truly understanding what makes the city “click and tick”, an unmatched insight into the meshing of elected officials with city staff in maintaining the day-to-day operation of the city, and an unmatched, again, feel for the manner in which Council, and especially the Mayor, reacts with, responds to and supports all of the various appointed Commissions, Boards and Committees.

Bill’s opponent, also currently sitting on city council, in the council meeting of  24 January 2012, made a motion and then voted for a measure which could have greatly inhibited full and open functioning of the Planning and Zoning Commission.  Bill and four other council members defeated the measure, wisely leaving P&Z to continue functioning as it has. Bill Irwin has been a strong supporter of the P&Z and of an open process with unfettered discussion from the dais. If you approve of the job that Planning and Zoning has been doing for the City of Highland Village and you want the Commission to be able to continue functioning as it has the past, then you should most definitely consider voting for Bill Irwin and not his opponent.

Bill Irwin: A public servant, not a politician.
Bill Irwin: Truly, “a man of integrity, who is politically clean, accountable and transparent”. 

I am going to vote for Bill Irwin on Saturday, May 12th.  I ask, humbly and sincerely, for the betterment of Highland Village, that you join me in voting for Bill Irwin as our next Mayor of Highland Village.  Let’s continue the progress.

Dick Bryant
Commissioner, Planning and Zoning Commission
Highland Village
, TX

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