Libya’s Muammar Gaddafi is a leading world spokesman for human rights. You read that correctly. Libya has been ruled by this “mad dog of the Middle East” (Ronald Reagan’s term for him) for more than 40 years. His mad kingdom was elected to the UN’s Human Rights Council by an open vote of all members of that world body.
What else do we need to know? Compared to the UN, the Mad Hatter’s Tea Party was a model of decorum and reason.
Family Research Council joined other pro-family non-governmental organizations (NGO) at a recent meeting of the UN’s Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) in New York. The theme for CSW’s efforts this year called for “access and participation of women and girls to education, training, science and technology.” Sure sounds worthy.
But isn’t it more than a little strange to have this discussion with a UN commission that includes dozens of delegations whose home countries routinely relegate girls and women to the status of chattels? As we know by now, in some UN member states, women are not even allowed to drive an automobile. In others, women are regularly trafficked as sexual objects by manipulative men. Genital mutilation of girls is invariably practiced in scores of Muslim lands. Women who decline to wear burkas or even the less enveloping hijabs can be verbally abused or threatened with bodily harm.
Now comes the other crazy team – America’s National Education Association (NEA). The union represents 3.2 million school teachers and faculty, though I doubt seriously whether America’s classroom teachers are aware of the sexual radicals who speak in their name. Lauren Funk of C-FAM – the Catholic Family and Human Rights Institute, to which all pro-family groups are indebted for their continual efforts at UN headquarters – reported that the NEA sent Diane Schneider to speak at a CSW workshop on its behalf.
Schneider said that “oral sex, masturbation, and orgasms need to be taught in education,” and the UN must ensure it happens. ( She complained about abstinence education in the U.S. She was upset that in her own country, opponents of teaching homosexual techniques to elementary and middle schoolers are “stuck in a binary box that religion and family create.” In too many places in the U.S., she noted with disapproval, parents are able to opt out their kids from explicit sex education. “Comprehensive equals compulsory” to Schneider. They’re all about “liberation,” but don’t try to liberate your kids from the libertines.
Binary box? Can we put on one of those UN headsets to get a translation, please? Oh, binary box means male and female. To NEA radicals, that’s a no-no. They don’t like “male and female He created them.” They don’t like male and female much at all.
The UN Population Fund (UNFPA) and the UN Economic, Social and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) have long been following in lockstep with IPPF—the International Planned Parenthood Federation. Last year, IPPF offered their “Healthy, Happy and Hot” explicit sex ed manual for UN consideration. ( You can imagine what it included.
President Obama opened the sluice gates of funding for the UN, UNFPA and IPPF in his first days in office. He has embraced the Planned Parenthood agenda at home and abroad.
By way of contrast, President Reagan cut off U.S. funding for UNFPA and IPPF as part of his Mexico City Policy. Under that wise and good policy, U.S. taxpayer funds would no longer support organizations that perform or promote abortion. Both President George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush faithfully extended Reagan’s Mexico City Policy. Bill Clinton scrapped Reagan’s plan in 1993, but the Republicans in Congress reinstituted it in 1995. Barack Obama’s bow to the sexual radicals and abortionists should be similarly stopped cold.
And now we get a peek at what this truly means. We cannot be shocked. We know what the NEA and the rest of the sexual radicals are about.
Congress needs to move quickly to cut off U.S. funding for such overt attacks on faith and family. Americans should be outraged that their hard-earned tax dollars are going to support such damaging and subversive programs.
The United States is facing an extreme budget emergency. We are going to have to cut many government services. There is no dispute about this. Let’s make sure that as we cut we do not fail to eliminate those schemes that have for decades made the UN a sandbox for cultural and sexual outlaws. The time has come for adult supervision. Let Congress know we want no funds for abortion, no money for attacks on faith and family.
Robert Morrison is senior fellow for policy studies at Family Research Council Action.