Rocky Gardiner, demographic consultant with Templeton Demographics, and Rod Reeves, facilities coordinator for the Denton ISD, recently updated the Board of Trustees on the demographic and housing analysis for the fourth quarter of 2010.
Among the highlights of the presentation were:
· Denton ISD ranks fourth in the DFW area in home sale closures and second in lot inventory for future housing.
· The district will likely see less than 900 new home closures in 2011, forecasting a projected growth of 862 students or a 3.6 percent growth districtwide.
· Denton ISD will continue to grow at an average rate of 3.75 percent for the next five years, projecting a total of 28,900 students for the 2015/16 school year.
The board also approved submitting a waiver request to the Texas Education Agency at their March 8th meeting.
Assistant Superintendent Roger Rutherford outlined the makeup dates and waiver application process for the five inclement weather days that caused the schools to close on Feb. 1, 2, 3 and 4, and Feb. 9.
The inclement weather days have been scheduled in the school calendar for Friday, April 22, and Friday, May 27. The board voted to file the other three days as waiver days with TEA.