Monday, February 10, 2025

Pastor’s Place: Tips for a Transformative Summer

It’s June and the sounds of summer abound. School is out. The days are getting longer. We can all use a break from the grind, yes?

Summer can be a time for restoration. With the lengthening of the days, our thoughts turn to renewal. We seek more flexibility in our schedules with the goal of freeing up time to take advantage of all the summer has to offer.

Maybe we work less. Perhaps we head home early more often. There could be a vacation in the works – a trip to the beach, or a national park, some time at the lake house. Summer’s renewing aspect is just made more potent by an altered routine and some new scenery. Serious renewal means changing things up!

The apostle Paul reminds us that renewal involves doing something unexpected, something beyond the norm. In Romans 12: 2, he says this, “Do not be conformed to this age, but be transformed by the renewing of the mind, so that you may discern what is the will of God—what is good and acceptable and perfect.” The word translated “mind” here is more than the intellect, more than what we think. It means our perception, our feeling, our heart, our soul.

Transformed through renewal. Now there’s a worthy summer goal.

So, what’s my point? This summer, my hope is that you make some space along with that long-awaited vacay, for activities that truly transform. Consider changing things up.

Introduce a time of prayer or meditation. Early mornings are great for many folks; others prefer right before bedtime. If you’re already a morning meditator, add an evening time.

Volunteering is transforming as well. Many non-profits need help in the summer as their regulars take time off. Picking up a new service activity to complement your time of meditation is a great way to change things up.

Finally, since this is Pastor’s Place after all, change things up by worshipping. If you haven’t considered church, give it a try. If it’s been a minute since your last worship experience, maybe venture forth this Sunday, or try a Wednesday night.

So, by all means, take the vacation this summer! You’ve earned it. But balance the leisure time with some spiritual time. Seek the good and acceptable and perfect. It will renew your soul.


The Pastor’s Place features columns written by a different area church leader each month. Call 940-728-8284 for more information.

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