Saturday, February 15, 2025

Bartonville Town Update — December 2023

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! The Bartonville Police Department’s Blue Santa elves are busy working to provide toys and gifts to children and families in need. If you want to participate, please stop by Town Hall (during posted business hours), to pick up a wish list ornament. Monetary donations and grocery store gift cards are also accepted. All items must be returned to the Town Hall no later than Friday, Dec. 8. If you have any questions, please call 817-693-5280. Thank you in advance for your generosity.

In keeping with the holiday spirit, I, along with fellow councilmembers and community members will be “ringing the bell” as part of the Red Kettle Mayoral Challenge on Saturday, Dec. 9. This is a fun and spirited rivalry between cities, but most importantly the funds raised in Denton County go back to the community. Please come out and support us from 10 a.m. – 6 p.m., in front of Kroger, 3400 FM 407. Donations can also be made to the Virtual Red Kettle at

Two other events are happening in December as well. On Saturday, Dec. 2, from 6 p.m. – 7 p.m. Bartonville will hold its first annual Christmas Tree lighting event at Lantana Community Church. Come join us for hot chocolate and music to celebrate. ESD #1 will have Fire Truck Santa coming through Bartonville on Thursday evening, Dec. 14, at 5:30 p.m. The route will be released closer to the event, so sign up for “Notify Me” on the town’s website to stay informed.

A National CBS News crew was in Bartonville on Nov. 24 to produce an article about the illuminated tree on the corner of McMakin Road and Barrington Hills that draws visitors for miles. Barbara Nunneley, owner of the tree, started the tradition 16 years ago to honor her father who unfortunately passed away before he was able to see the tree. We all enjoy seeing this magnificent 60-foot tree decorated for Christmas every year with over 65,000 lights. It can actually be seen three miles away and it is not uncommon to see cars stopped along McMakin taking pictures.

A break in the torrential rains that ended our drought highlighted the status of the bar ditches and culverts throughout town. Please remember that the culverts running parallel to the roadway are the responsibility of the adjacent landowner. These must be kept clear to avoid water running over the roads or damaging your neighbor’s property by water backing up in the ditches. You can keep our roads safer, and extend the life of the roadway by keeping your culverts clear.

Construction is wrapping up on both the East Jeter reconstruction and the Stonewood overlay. The Stonewood project was initially bid as a pulverize-in-place reconstruction project, but further investigation revealed over 8 inches of asphalt making the originally-planned process impractical and unnecessary. A change order reducing the overall contract by $74,164 was approved. This resulted in a project involving crack sealing and a 2” asphalt overlay.

On Nov. 7, voters in Bartonville and surrounding communities voted for the creation of Denton County Emergency Services District No. 2 to fund emergency medical services in addition to the fire services that will continue to be provided by ESD #1. Eighty nine percent of voters approved the creation of ESD #2, and 92 percent of voters were in favor of the annexation of Lantana into ESD #1.

The Town Council voted during the Nov. 21 Regular Council Meeting to deny the rate increase proposed by CoServ. This action follows the August Resolution passed by the Town Council to delay the rate increase for residents. CoServ has requested a revenue increase of $10.3M, which is an increase of 27.3%, excluding gas costs. Town Council will continue to represent our residents in this matter.

Holiday Closings Reminder: Town Hall will be closed on Monday, Dec. 25 and Tuesday, Dec.26, and Monday, Jan. 1, in observation of the Christmas and New Year’s Day holidays.

Development Update:

Deer Hollow (5-acre subdivision behind Hat Creek) – this subdivision includes 14 residential lots.

Eagle Ridge (2-acre subdivision across FM 407 from Tractor Supply) – this subdivision includes 33 residential lots.

Hudson Hills (2-acre subdivision behind Marty B’s) – this subdivision includes 33 residential lots.

Trifecta Estates (2-acre subdivision off McMakin) – this subdivision includes 8 residential lots.

Applications have been received from Andy’s Frozen Custard and Swig to potentially locate next to each other on the southeast corner of the Kroger site fronting FM 407.

Whataburger continues construction at the corner of FM 407 and Blanco.

Cloud 9 is finishing up construction on their 15,000 square-foot building in front of Marty B’s at 2660 FM 407.

Do not miss any exciting news, updates, or meetings; visit the Town’s website at and sign up for updates by clicking on “Notify Me.”

In addition to contacting Town Hall at 817.693.5280, residents may reach me at [email protected]

CTG Staff
CTG Staff
The Cross Timbers Gazette News Department

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