Sunday, February 9, 2025

Deadline looms to submit opposition to proposed transmission line

The deadline is coming up soon for local residents to protest and intervene against the proposed Oncor transmission line project through southwest Denton County.

Oncor filed an application to construct and operate the Ramhorn Hill-Dunham transmission line, routes currently under consideration are in yellow (image courtesy of the town of Argyle).

In November 2022, Oncor informed residents of several different possible routes for a new transmission line that the company is installing from outside Newark in southern Wise County, to west Flower Mound, southeast of the FM 1171/Hwy 377 interchange. Some of the initial proposed routes go through or near residential and commercial areas of Argyle, Northlake and Justin, and local leaders worked to discourage Oncor from the most disruptive routes.

Oncor filed its recommended route with the Public Utility Commission of Texas in June. The PUCT will have the final say on the route. Flower Mound Town Council has expressed its concerns and has been involved in several discussions with Oncor representatives over the past few months but has no authority over the final decision.

Property owners who wish to engage in the PUCT process can protest or intervene until Monday, July 24, the town of Flower Mound said in a news release this week.

  • Protestors can provide the PUCT with public comments. Although public comments are not treated as evidence, they help inform the PUCT and its staff of the public concerns and identify issues to be explored.
  • Intervenors become parties to the case, which means intervenors are required to respond to all discovery requests from other parties in the case, may be cross-examined in the hearing, and more.

You can learn more about the roles of both protestors and intervenors at There, you can download the forms required to engage in the process and learn how to submit them by Monday. Also at that webpage, you can see a map of the proposed route and find additional information about this project and the PUCT process.

Mark Smith
Mark Smith
Mark Smith is the Digital Editor of The Cross Timbers Gazette.

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