Monday, February 10, 2025

Just the Facts from Mayor Ron Robertson – May 2023

A big thank you to Dennis and Kara Blumentritt for painting the benches at town hall. They did a beautiful job!

Shred Day

Spring Shred Day was held April 22nd and was a busy day for Sierra Shred. Many residents took advantage of the opportunity to safely dispose of papers, documents, etc. after April tax filing and spring cleaning projects. This has become a popular annual event for our residents.

Wreaths Across America

Copper Canyon resident Barbara Doores is an active member of the Flower Mound Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution. Recently Barbara informed us of an exciting event this month to honor past veteran’s called Wreaths Across America.

Wreaths Across America (WAA) is the organization most recognized for placing over 2.7 million veterans’ wreaths at over 3,700 locations nationally and abroad on National Wreaths Across America Day. However, the work to recognize our nation’s veterans, military families, and active duty service members is a yearlong effort.

WAA is proud to announce that as part of its yearlong mission to remember the fallen, honor those that serve and their families, and teach the next generation the value of freedom, its Mobile Education Exhibit (MEE) will make a stop in Flower Mound this month to share this mission.

The Flower Mound Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution ( and your local Geico Insurance agent Laura Ferring ( are proud to announce this stop for the WAA Mobile Education Exhibit national tour. The MEE will be free and open to the public locally at 4630 Long Prairie Road, Flower Mound on Friday, May 26, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. in front of the Geico Insurance office.

This is an excellent opportunity to learn about the men and women who have served leading into Memorial Day on Monday, May 29. You may not know Copper Canyon has approximately 90 veterans buried in our Chinn Chapel Cemetery off Chinn Chapel Road. Wreaths are placed there annually by the Flower Mound Chapter of the DAR and we appreciate their continued commitment to our veterans.

First Aid Class, June 3 at Town Hall

Copper Canyon is fortunate to be located close to several fire stations, however no matter how fast our emergency responders arrive, bystanders will always be first on the scene to an accident. Knowing how to control bleeding or administer first aid in the first few minutes is so important before the professionals arrive to take over. Our Neighborhood Watch program is sponsoring a free first aid program known as “Stop the Bleed” on June 3 at 9 a.m. at Town Hall. This class will be instructed by our own Denton County Emergency Services firefighters and paramedics along with Medical City Denton. This national program is normally offered at a cost, however as part of their continued efforts to serve the communities around us, DCESD #1 is offering this class at no charge to residents. For more information or to sign up, please contact Paula Castillo at [email protected].

Honoring the Fallen & Moms

On May 29, Memorial Day, we pause to honor those brave men and women who have given their lives for the service of our country and allowing us to live freely in a town we love. Another important holiday is Mother’s Day on May 14. To those who take care of their own, someone else’s or their four legged babies, have a wonderful day celebrating you.

CTG Staff
CTG Staff
The Cross Timbers Gazette News Department

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