Saturday, February 8, 2025

Pastor’s Place: 40 days of reflection, repentance and love

I won’t tell you how long it’s been since I turned 40, but when I did, there was lots of reflection on life. I considered what I had done with my life, and I wondered about the future of my life.

That number 40 tends to do that—cause reflection, introspection and even forecasting.

It’s interesting because every spring, followers of Jesus enter a 40-day time frame called Lent to do that very thing—reflect, consider, and anticipate the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. It’s a time of preparing and repenting too — preparing for Jesus’ suffering and death and repenting of what we do that leads to his suffering.

The number 40 comes from several images in the Bible that reflect the power, presence, and peace of God through tenuous times. Some of the stories in scripture that reference 40 are: 40 days of rain during the Noah flood, 40 years in the wilderness for the Israelites to move to the Promised Land, 40 days in the wilderness for Jesus when he is tempted. All of these identify that God was with the people through the event and even after. The season of Lent helps us know that Jesus offers himself freely in love for others and invites his followers to love others too.

In this season of 40 days called Lent, I invite you to reflect on how you can love others the way God truly loves you. When we demonstrate genuine love to others, we reflect God’s true love of and for the world.


The Pastor’s Place features columns written by a different area church leader each month. Call 940-728-8284 for more information.

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