Two school districts serving southern Denton County announced this week that they will use built-in bad weather days this month to help make up for the entire week of school missed due to last week’s ice storm.
Argyle ISD will conduct a normal school day on Feb. 13, which was built into the district calendar as a school holiday unless it is needed to make up for canceled classes due to bad weather. The district is only using one of its bad weather days because it built additional minutes into the instructional calendar, the district said in an email to families.
Northwest ISD changed its calendar to make Feb. 20 a full instructional day, and it said it will have to add additional instructional minutes to account for more of the missed time last week. The district will await guidance from the Texas Education Agency if additional school days could be considered for a waiver before further changes, according to a Northwest ISD news release. If TEA does not grant waivers for missed instructional time, the district will inform families of additional changes to the 2022-2023 school year calendar in the coming weeks.
Lewisville ISD has not publicly announced any makeup days, as of Wednesday morning.
The weather earlier this month has forced us to change some things on the calendar. Here’s the schedule for making up the learning time that we missed.
— Denton ISD (@dentonisd) February 13, 2023