Friday, February 14, 2025

Just the facts from Mayor Ron Robertson — October 2022

Each year, Copper Canyon follows a standard budget development process. It includes an update of revenue projections that are based upon historical trends and changes in our resources. The mayor, council, and staff hold a workshop to discuss details of revenues, expenditures, and projects for the upcoming year. The budget is presented at Public Hearings held in August and September each year for public input.

This year, housing permits have been coming in at a steady rate. We expect this trend to carry into the new fiscal year. We will be using $100,000 out of the Crime Control Tax money to offset the cost of police protection provided by the Denton County Sheriff’s Office. We are increasing our town reserve fund to $1.4 million.

On September 12th, the town council passed the budget for fiscal year 2022-2023. The budget was approved by the council, holding the tax rate at .277505.

Town Notifications

Many of you have signed up for meeting notifications through our town website: By signing up with your email, you can also receive emergency alerts. Due to the growth in our area, we feel it is important to keep our residents informed with what is happening in Copper Canyon as well as surrounding areas.

Trash Service

As a reminder, trash, bulk and recycle pickup is now offered every Tuesday. A complete list of acceptable items is posted on the town website.

Watch Meetings Online

Copper Canyon is now live streaming Town Council and Planning and Zoning Commission meetings (broadcast the video and sound over the internet as the meeting happens). Residents can watch the meeting ‘live’ or access the recorded meeting in two ways. One way is to go directly to and type in ‘Town of Copper Canyon (Texas).’ The other way is to go to the Town’s website at under the red ‘News’ tab, click on ‘Link to Access Live Meeting.’ Please note, if using a cell phone, after accessing the Town’s website, scroll down to ‘News’ and click on it, and then click on ‘Link to Access Live Meeting.’ This will take you to the Town’s YouTube page. If you have any issues or questions accessing the live stream meetings, contact Town Secretary Sheila Morales at 940-241-2677.

CTG Staff
CTG Staff
The Cross Timbers Gazette News Department

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