Wednesday, September 18, 2024

LETTER: KBC hasn’t changed, Bill Scherer has changed

After Jeff Traylor lost his Town Council re-election bid, Bartonville Mayor Bill Scherer became vindictive towards Keep Bartonville Country (KBC). KBC stands accused of being divisive, but it appears to be Bill Scherer, Bridget Melson and Rachel Neese who are doing precisely what they are accusing KBC of doing – being divisive. KBC hasn’t changed, Bill Scherer has changed.

For example: What is more country than an equestrian center? Why, then, was Mayor Scherer adamantly opposed to the approximately 88-acre equestrian center on Rockgate Road across from his residence? His actions were in direct opposition to KBC guidelines that represent the majority of the citizens who want to Keep Bartonville Country.

The following statements from Bill Scherer are not correct:

All candidates support public safety.

Bridget Melson supported allowing more children inside the Lantana Church School than was recommended by the Argyle Fire Department. She chose to ignore our public safety officials and existing public safety requirements.

Council Members should support the town attorney’s interpretation.

Bridget Melson chose to ignore our town attorney’s advice on several occasions which could have resulted in significant lawsuits that would have had a negative effect on the citizens of Bartonville.

Bill Scherer failed to consider the experience aspect of the mayoral position. Jaclyn Carrington has been on Town Council for eight years, with four of those years as Mayor Pro Tem. Jaclyn has lived in Bartonville for 30 years on a 30-acre property which makes her very qualified to make decisions for Keeping Bartonville Country.

When Mayor Scherer espouses all the great things he has done for Bartonville, be advised these would not have happened without the approval of Town Council with the support of KBC.

If you agree that KBC has provided nonpolitical, unwavering guidance to Keep Bartonville Country for the last 17 years, please vote for JACLYN CARRINGTON FOR MAYOR and MATT CHAPMAN FOR TOWN COUNCIL.

Del Knowler
Bartonville, TX

CTG Staff
CTG Staff
The Cross Timbers Gazette News Department

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