Friday, February 7, 2025

Highland Village City Council approves trash rate increase

Highland Village City Hall. Photo by Bill Castleman

The Highland Village City Council on Tuesday approved two resolutions resulting in a rate increase for solid waste and recycling services provided by Community Waste Disposal.

Residential bills will rise from $16.19 to $18.13 per month and senior citizen rates will increase from $14.57 to $16.34 per month.

The annual rate adjustments are based on three criteria: the Dallas/Fort Worth Consumer Price Index, the change in US Price of Natural Gas Sold to Commercial Consumers Index, and the percentage change in the gate rate charged to CWD by the landfill they utilize, according to a press release from the city.

Additionally, CWD requested a supplemental agreement to the contract to include a $.48 rate increase to mitigate the ongoing increased operating costs resulting from the closing of the DFW landfill in December 2019. The closing of the landfill was unexpected and has caused CWD to secure a contract with the City of Denton landfill which resulted in additional labor and vehicle costs, officials said.

This is the second requested adjustment for the five-year agreement term which began on September 1, 2018 and ends on September 30, 2023.

CTG Staff
CTG Staff
The Cross Timbers Gazette News Department

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