On Thursday, Denton County Public Health announced 69 newly-confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the county, 60 of which are active. DCPH also reported 77 new recoveries.
There are now 1,582 active cases in the county and 9,229 total recoveries. The death toll remains at 105.
DCPH is providing a free drive-thru COVID-19 testing center in The Colony on Tuesday at Hawaiian Falls, 4400 Paige Road, beginning at 8 a.m. Eligible community members are those who have had symptoms of COVID-19 within the past seven days, essential employees, individuals 60 years and older, as well as individuals who have had contact with someone diagnosed with COVID-19. All community members must call to pre-register for testing at 940-349-2585.
To minimize spread of COVID-19, DCPH urges all community members to:
- Maintain at least six feet of physical distance in public settings and when around individuals outside of the household
- Wear masks or face coverings, which should cover both the nose and mouth, in public settings and when around individuals outside of the household
- Wash and/or sanitize hands frequently
- Stay home if you are symptomatic, have recently had close contact with a person with COVID-19, or have pending COVID-19 lab results
For additional COVID-19 data including active case information by municipality, hospital capacity, and ventilator utilization, visit dentoncounty.gov/COVIDstats. For information regarding DCPH’s upcoming testing centers, visit dentoncounty.gov/COVID19testing. For additional COVID-19 health and safety recommendations, visit dentoncounty.gov/COVID19.