Saturday, December 14, 2024

Argyle senior says the world needs more compassion

Chloe Livingston

A scholar, an athlete and a musician, Chloe Livingston believes in living a well-rounded life.

The Argyle High School senior is a percussionist in the school band, a member of the tennis team and competes in Literary Criticism on the AHS academic team, all while maintaining a 103.69 grade point average.

Livingston, 18, said participating in a variety of extracurricular activities has been an enriching part of her young life.

“Because I am in quite a few activities, I have met a lot of amazing people I wouldn’t know otherwise,” she said.

The Argyle teen is also a member of the Student Council, National Honor Society and Challenge Day Club at Argyle High School. However, she said of all of the things in which she is involved, one stands out as her favorite.

“I love playing percussion,” Livingston said. “Even though it can be a lot of work at times, I have had a lot of fun playing music. Some of my favorite experiences are playing a marimba and flute duet with my twin sister (Audrey) and performing in the All-State Band.”

Outside of school, Livingston is a member of a National Charity League, a non-profit charitable organization comprised of mothers and daughters. She said if there was one thing she would like to see more of in the world it is a sense of understanding.

“I don’t think everyone should have to agree,” Livingston said. “But, if people showed more compassion for one another, a lot of problems would be fixed.”

Livingston is ranked second in her graduating class and is undecided about where she wants to attend college or what her major will be.

Livingston’s Favorites

Favorite Subject: English

Person who most inspires me: My older sister, Molly

Favorite Food: Breakfast food

Favorite Movie: The Lives of Others

Favorite TV show: The Crown

Book you are currently reading: A Streetcar Named Desire by Tennessee Williams

Favorite musical group or performer: The 1975

Nominate your favorite high school student for this monthly feature brought to you by Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital Flower Mound by emailing [email protected].

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