Michael Perrone likes to find new ways to challenge himself.
The starting center for the Coram Deo football team did something during his high school career that some sports fans may find surprising.
“In my first year of drama, I went for the lead in “Oklahoma!” and got the part, despite being inexperienced in acting,” Perrone said. “While I know what I want to do later on, it’s a path that can very likely fall apart, so I need to do as much as I can now to figure out what other things I can do later.”
Perrone has anchored an offensive line– since last school year– that helped lead the Lions to a postseason berth. Couch Doug Hix said he has relied heavily on Perrone’s leadership along the way.
“He was our starting center on last year’s team that was ranked as high as second in the state; and, he continues to do so on this year’s team, which is currently ranked third,” Hix said. “He is the foundation piece of our offense and I am proud to have him as our team captain– both on the field and in the school and his community.”
“We had a meeting last year to see if he wanted to play college football,” Hix said. “He is good enough to do so. His response was ‘not really.’”
Hix said he was shocked, because Perrone is one of the “most committed men on our team, always placing his comfort secondary to his commitment to his teammates.”
“I said ‘really, why do you play then?’” Hix said. “His response to me was ‘I don’t really play because I want to go play college football— I play because I am committed to my friends on the team, the school and to be the best I can be.’ That is the man he is; in a world where everyone does things because it gives them something, he does it and is committed to it because of others counting on him.”
Perrone, 17, takes his role seriously on the team and said that he values one quality above all others when it comes to playing football.
“I try to foster a sense of brotherhood and companionship, because that’s what high school is all about,” Perrone said. “A football team is an opportunity like few others to have thirty different men that you can lean and depend on through any struggle. That said, I find it most important to bring loyalty to the team and let every player know that they can depend on me– on and off the field.”
So, if not football, what does Perrone want to do in college?
He hopes to study film at New York University. As part of his application process, he was required to write a script.
“At the start of the summer, I began writing my script and eventually filmed my first movie,” Perrone said. “I am in the middle of the editing process. The film is about a young girl who receives an android companion from her parents, as a replacement for friends.
“Everyone talks about how technology will take over the world one day. The message I am trying to deliver, is that technology has already taken over. In the movie, the audience will see that technology is no replacement for real people, but that this replacement will occur if we stay on our current track.”
Consequently, the Argyle teen is pretty sure about what he would like to eventually do for a living.
“The dream is to make movies professionally,” Perrone said. “I’ve made a number of animations, but have been limited by money and time. To have adequate resources and to see your story unfold on the big screen would be terrific. I find joy in coming-up with an idea, then seeing it manifest itself through the camera. If I could do that for the rest of my life, I will.”
Hix said Perrone continues to be a stalwart on the Lions offensive line, adding that, regardless of whether he plays college football or not, he has already left his mark on the Coram Deo football team.
“What Perrone brings to the team is well beyond his All-State line play,” Hix said. “Most important is the character of man he is.”
Michael Perrone’s Favorites:
Favorite subject: Theology
Favorite athlete: Tom Brady
Favorite food: Chicken wings
Favorite movie: Star Wars: Return of the Jedi
Favorite TV show: Seinfeld
Book Currently Reading: The Guns of Navarone by Alistair MacLean
Favorite Musical Group: Mumford and Sons and Billy Joel