The city of Highland Village is seeking volunteers to serve on city boards, committees and commissions.
The city said in a news release Tuesday that it is now accepting applications for volunteers on several advisory groups to City Council and city staff. These boards, committees and commissions include the Animal Shelter Advisory Committee, Board of Ethics, Planning & Zoning Commission and more.
To obtain the application, click here or request one from the city secretary’s office at [email protected] or 972-899-5132.
Volunteers must be residents of Highland Village and qualified to vote. They must submit a completed application to the city secretary’s office no later than July 31. City Council appoints volunteers to serve two-year terms on the various advisory groups each September, and they make appointments throughout the year to fill vacancies or to establish special ad hoc committees. Applications received will remain on file for one year from the date of receipt.
Click here for more information.