by Northlake Mayor Peter Dewing
The Good: The Council approved the preferred location of NWISD plan to build an elementary, middle, high school and sports complex in the approved planned development southwest of FM 407 and Cleveland-Gibbs (Pecan Square.) Reconstruction of Florance Rd from FM 407 to Strader Road is basically complete (stripping remains.) The dog park is officially open in Canyon Falls located at the corner of Westbridge Drive and Canyon Falls Drive. TXDOT has approved a signal light at FM 407 and Harvest Way. There is no cost to the Town for the light and construction should start before the end of the year. Updates will be posted to the Town’s website www.town.northlake.tx.us. I was honored to witness a home being donated to a disabled Veteran and his family by Operation Home Front on November 9th.
The Unpleasant: Still waiting on TXDOT and lawyers to finalize the documents for Cleveland Gibbs Road and FM 407. The Town will be improving Cleveland Gibbs, TXDOT will be improving FM 407
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Thanks for your time.