The Highland Village City Council on Tuesday approved a $1.5 million tax note to pay for several large capital items. The issuance also included the refunding of several outstanding bonds to save the city money, according to a press release issued by the city.
The capital projects slated for the bond include computer aided emergency dispatch software, a public safety radio system, rehab of existing screening walls adjacent to FM 2499 and drainage improvements within the city. The refunding of existing bonds provides a present value savings of roughly $787,000.
Council also received an update on development and construction of a city dog park. Upon the completion of Doubletree Ranch Park in spring 2016, soccer fields on the northeast side of Unity Park will be moved to Doubletree Ranch Park. City staff proposes using the 1.5 acre area in Unity Park to construct a dog park. The Park Development fees allotted for Unity Park will be used to fund the dog park.
Council also received a presentation from the Fire Department Task Force Committee, providing an update on the progress made to date. The committee was formed in October and is made up of seven residents and two city council members. The Task Force has been meeting to determine and provide recommendations on such things as appropriate coverage and resources in facilities, staffing requirements and service response times throughout the city along with potential fire station locations and future budget implications. Historically, every capital project within the city has been done by a citizen task force with opportunities for public input. Council will receive recommendations from the Task Force in early 2016.
The HVTV Update informed residents of the Santa in Highland Village beginning Sunday with Santa driving through the neighborhoods on the fire engine. Santa will end his stay on December 19 with Santa Day at the Fire Station.
The City Council early work session and regular session is available on HVTV (Time Warner 16; Verizon 43) and via the website streaming by clicking HVTV. The meetings are also available for on-demand viewing on the city website.