Thursday, December 12, 2024

Survey shows lack of citizen support for police department

As a 20+ year resident of Bartonville, former town council member, and former Upper Trinity Regional Water District board member, I have volunteered to be the CURE (Citizens United for a Rural Environment) spokesman.

The purpose and mission of CURE is to provide an open line of communication, allowing citizens a voice to our elected officials “sharing” the concerns that bind the majority of us together as a community. We focus on a wide range of activities relative to our town government. We attempt to provide accurate and timely information on subjects of interest to the majority of citizens.

Two hundred households were recently sent a survey regarding the Bartonville Police Department with 68 answering. This represents approximately 140 citizens. The survey was not intended to be an all-inclusive report, but a representative sample. The e-mails and votes received were reviewed. No town employees, elected officials, or CURE committee members were included in the survey. The survey was distributed, responses collected, and the results tabulated. We thank those who responded to the survey. Those who have requested they be added to the CURE e-mailing list have been added.

In the spirit of supporting open communication, we approached Bartonville Councilman Jim Strange and he agreed to sit down with us and review the responses and votes received, as well as the accompanying comments. The confidentiality of the senders’ information was maintained at all times. We really appreciate his involvement in listening and helping.

From the results received, we urge the town to conduct its own survey using similar criteria. To allow those citizens who do not have Internet access to participate, a postage paid return approach would be best. The survey results were as follows:

1.    No Police Department. The Sheriff’s Department supports Bartonville (which we pay for) and additional services may be contracted as needed. This is what we previously did. [51.47%]

2.    Day Shift Service Only, which would coordinate with outside sources as needed. [13.23%]

3.    Two Shifts (this is what you presently have with limited 24.7 coverage). [26.41%]

4.    24/7 Coverage with associated costs and services. [8.82%]

We are pleased the Chief of Police has decided to publish a summary of the May police report. We concluded there was no major crime in Bartonville. The report shows 98 citations were issued for the 31 day period. That averages out to be 3.2 citations per day. It would be beneficial to know how many were on FM 407. We were requested to ask the police department to add in the report how many of the 67 calls were in Bartonville, how many arrests were made, and how many people were taken to jail. We are sure the citizens appreciate the police report and hope it will continue to be published.

Del Knowler
Bartonville, TX

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