Friday, December 13, 2024

Mike Walker does his research

I’m endorsing Mike Walker for Flower Mound Town Council.  I’ve worked closely with Mike and read about his opponent, Joy Bowen, and hands down Mike will be the best council person for Flower Mound.

Mike’s platform is solid.  He recently attended a council meeting to explain his interest in making sure our established neighborhoods are not left behind.  I was impressed that at the April 1, Town Council meeting he respectfully challenged Council to a better job in this area, and brought new ideas forward on how to make sure these established neighborhoods are cared for.

I talked with Mr. Walker about how he got the information he used during his presentation.  I was impressed to find out he had researched some new ordinance changes, including visiting with Town Staff about the impact and implementation of these changes.  Mike has a true interest in making things better.  His leadership role on the DFW Chapter of the Community Associations Institute further demonstrates Mike’s commitment to these neighborhood issues.

As his neighbor and past member of the Board of Directors of the Bridlewood HOA and the Windsor Heights HOA, I’ve seen Mike Walker do this many times over the years.  Mike researches and comes to the table with a workable solution.  He is not interested in being the story; he is interested in making long lasting improvements.

Mike’s opponent has made the LISD and SMARTGrowth a key piece of her platform from what I have read in various newspaper articles and candidate voter guides.  She insists that the LISD rezoning and recent SMARTGrowth actions are the reasons she is seeking council office.  I don’t claim to be a government expert, but the LISD controls their own operations and boundaries, not Town Council, and the recent SMARTGrowth action by Town Council was to protect the integrity of our SMARTGrowth. 

I believe Town Council and the Planning and Zoning Commission acted responsibly when they amended the public schools criteria in SMARTGrowth, especially because the Town’s Attorney said there was a potential for legal issues.  But common sense tells me that Flower Mound’s Town Council wouldn’t have the authority to tell the Lewisville ISD how they should calculate school capacity or what school kids should attend.  By law, the State of Texas made LISD completely independent and unaffiliated with our governmental body.

I’m very proud of Mike Walker for pushing Planning and Zoning and Council to amend and not delete SMARTGrowth.  Under the amendment Walker championed, the Town is required to work with LISD when LISD asks for the Town’s help.  It’s proactive without setting Flower Mound up for lawsuits.  With his actions, Mike Walker demonstrated his independence from Town Council and his commitment to doing what is right for Flower Mound. 

The last reason I’m endorsing Mike Walker is I’ve yet to hear his opponent actually tell us why she would be a better choice than Mike Walker.  She has told us why she disagrees with the Town Council, but not why she disagrees with Mike Walker.  In my opinion, Ms. Bowen’s disagreements with Town Council are not well researched but that is not important.  Ms. Bowen is not running against the Town Council, she is running against Mike Walker for Town Council Place 1. 

Mike Walker is not impulsive.  He does his research and works toward practical compromise that serves Flower Mound.  I hope that you will join me in voting for Mike Walker for Flower Mound Town Council Place 1.

Barbara Bailey
Flower Mound, TX


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