Thursday, December 12, 2024

From a Toxic 210 to Cover Model in 10 Weeks

Russell Reynolds found himself working long hours, getting too little sleep, and making less than optimal foods choices which were compounded with excess stress and half-hearted workouts. 

Too many people may be nodding their head relating to Russell’s situation, but he no longer wanted to accept less than being his best.  With his 43rd birthday and wedding approaching, he went looking for solutions to the transform the man he no longer recognized staring back at him in the mirror. 

In the past, he had tried many supplements, fat burners, workouts and even some crazy diets, but they were all quick fixes and Band-Aids that never addressed the real problem.  He wanted a total health system that was proven, natural, fast, effective and something he could follow long term.  He wanted to put on muscle while releasing fat at the same time.

By divine intervention, he wound up in the audience of a nutrition seminar in Dallas I was leading. Russell left inspired and decided to take action by making two commitments. The first was to follow the Isagenix 30 Day Cleanse and Re-nourish program and the second was to hit the gym hard.

The first day Russell took pictures and measurements. His body fat had crept up to 16.87% and he considered it unacceptable.  The great news was that the results started fast. 

Within four days, Russell had lost 14 inches off of all of his measurements and he was hooked. His energy went through the roof and he stopped using coffee in the mornings.  He was on a natural high.

His gym was having a seven week transformation contest so he decided to join, having been three weeks into the Isagenix program.  The contest’s $500 prize became a motivator that kept him focused to do his best.  Ultimately, in a total of 10 consecutive weeks, he put on 8 pounds of muscle, dropped over 5 percent body fat and went from a toxic 210 pounds to a clean, lean, energized cover model ready 200 pounds. He won the contest at the gym by a landslide and now is even more motivated to reach his best and single digits in body fat.

In those 70 days, Russell experienced an extraordinary physical and mental transformation. He went from a toxic lack of health and a depleted state of mind to feeling energized and unstoppable.  As an actor, his new physique has already opened doors and his fiancée couldn’t be more pleased!

Here’s an interesting comparison. While on the Isagenix Cleanse and Re-Nourish program, Russell trained with a partner who was stronger than he was, so he was lifting more weight during the same workouts. The difference was his partner did not have the physical change that Russell did. The only variable was the Isagenix nutrition program.

Russell will tell you that it was easy to give up the donuts and pizza for the delicious IsaLean Shakes and healthy meals.  He’s never going back. One of the things Russell treats himself to are the IsaDelights – dark chocolate squares infused with green tea. He said they eliminated cravings for sweets and carbs and also boosted his mood and metabolism.  Overall he said the 10 weeks were transforming and empowering and his next goal is to get to 9% body fat or better. 

The entire 30 Day Fat Burning and Re-Nourishing system is available for you, your family and friends to get the same results as Russell. If you are not familiar with Isagenix, they are the world leader in whole body nutritional cleansing, cellular replenishing and youthful aging.

Registration is now available for the next Fall Fitness Makeover Contest.  Sign up for Argyle Adventure Boot Camp and begin your 10 week transformation on September 6th.  The person with the most dramatic transformation by November 1st will receive a $500 cash prize just like Russell.

I am also beginning to coach a new 30 day cleanse and fat burning group on September 6th- the same one Russell went through. The coaching is free with the purchase of the 30 Day program.  When you combine boot camp physical conditioning with the Isagenix Cleanse and Fat Burning Program, incredible health and fitness results await.

Find out more at or, call 817-490-1296 or e-mail [email protected].

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