Saturday, February 15, 2025

Around Argyle

High School Could Get Traffic Relief

Improvements are expected to be coming to Hwy 377 at the entrance to Argyle High School, courtesy of Denton County and TxDOT.

Work could begin this summer on a right turn lane in and out of the main driveway to the school at Hwy 377.  A traffic island would be constructed in the median to prevent left turns at the entrance, according to Argyle Police Chief William T. Tackett.

Drivers needing to make left hand turns could use nearby Harpole Road, which would help disperse traffic away from the main entrance.

Tackett said that TxDOT will not place a stoplight at the high school driveway until the traffic counts warrant it.

Town Council Approves Change Orders

The Argyle Town Council approved Change Orders 1 and 2 to the Phase I Contract approved in February for road and street improvements.

The change orders include minor additions to the Old Town area street reconstruction and temporary improvements to portions of Country Club Road, which is scheduled for reconstruction by Denton County in 2012, as well as adding the Hickory Hill Road overlay, which was previously scheduled to be completed in the Town’s Phase II project.

“Overall, this will allow for cost-savings to the overall reconstruction program to date, thus providing the option to add additional street improvements to the program, i.e. expanding town-wide street improvements within the established program budget,” Dresher said.

First Responders Impressive in Simulation

An emergency simulation took place in Argyle this past month, and residents will be pleased to know their town’s first responders rose to the occasion.

Williams Production Gulf Coast completed its emergency response drill on May 24 and Price Petro, the Argyle Fire District and the Argyle Police Department were all involved in the exercise.

Argyle town manager Lyle Dresher said it went very well.

“[It was] excellent,” Dresher said. “The exercise conducted was similar to other disaster/emergency preparedness drills conducted throughout the Metroplex, i.e. DFW Airport, and various larger municipalities whereby drills are conducted by emergency services, schools, and other agencies. 

“Major hurricane, tornado, flood, and grass fire events have prompted emergency services providers to conduct incident command exercises/drills in order to be better prepared should incidents occur not only for the health and safety of citizens but also for the safety of first responders.”

Dresher said the simulated exercise was comprised of a vehicular accident whereby a car was simulated to crash into a natural gas line near a gas separator unit. 

“First responders were called, responded, established an incident command location, and coordination and resolution of the incident was completed,” Dresher said.

First Baptist to Hold Fourth of July Celebration

First Baptist Church of Argyle will be holding its Freedom Celebration on Saturday, June 25, in observance of the Fourth of July. 

The Town has issued a public fireworks display permit to the church to conduct a fireworks show during the event. 

Activities run 5:30 p.m. to 10 p.m. on the First Baptist Church property, located at 414 North Hwy 377 in Argyle. 

This is the third consecutive year for the Freedom Celebration in Argyle.

Population Continues to Grow

The Town of Argyle has approved the 2011 population at 3,300 residents, according to data received from the North Central Texas Council of Governments.

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