Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Scouts celebrate with Blue and Gold Banquet

Cub Scout Pack 1163 of Highland Village celebrated Scouting’s 101st birthday with the annual Cub Scout Blue & Gold Banquet advancement and graduation ceremonies at Crossroads Bible Church in Double Oak on Feb. 26. 

With 180 Scouts, parents and families in attendance, the Pack enjoyed a special address from Highland Village Mayor Scott McDearmont as he walked through the importance of the Scout motto of “Doing your best”, and the Scout promise which teaches Scouts to be responsible and giving citizens. 

Mayor McDearmont also proved to attendees that he too was once a Cub Scout by showing them his treasured pinewood derby car he built when he was a Cub Scout. 

The banquet concluded with the Cub Scout graduation of eight Webelos: Rotimi Amarvi, Landon Brickey, Andrew Engberson, Cody Gilbert, Noah Hill, Joshua Hubbell, Samuel Jack and Michael Rochelle.

The Scouts then walked over a symbolic bridge and were received on the other side by Boy Scout Troops 265 and 298 to continue their pursuit of Boy Scouting’s highest honor – The Eagle Scout. The Banquet concluded with a special Indian Ceremonial dance performed by the Mic-O-Say Tribe, Boy Scout Troop 451 Lone Star Dance District.

Pictured above: Clockwise from bottom center: Landon Brickey, Michael Rochelle, Cody Gilbert, Noah Hill, Samuel Jack, Rotimi Amarvi, Joshua Hubbell, Andrew Engberson. Cub Master: Michael Rochelle, Assistant Patrol Leader: Donna Jack.

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