Saturday, February 15, 2025

Highland Village City Update — January 2025

As we begin 2025, I’d like to share a few of the projects underway or on the horizon and encourage you to become informed and involved in our wonderful city.
This year our community will be able to enjoy new features at the Doubletree Ranch Park Splash Pad. We are adding new vertical interactive features that will enhance user experience and promote positive socialization. Construction is anticipated to be completed in time for the 2025 season.

I’ve received a few questions about the work being done at the wooded area by Walmart and along the 3000 block of FM 2499. This project is part of the Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) program. The goal of applied CPTED principles is to prevent crime by designing a physical environment that positively influences human behavior. The theory is based on five principles: natural access control, natural surveillance, territoriality, activity support, and maintenance. The City is following the 2–6 rule for CPTED in this area, which is trimming dense shrubs at two feet or less and trimming the tree canopies at six feet or higher to reduce hiding places and increase lighting and overall visibility for law enforcement. City staff brought this forward during the budget process as a two-year project. It was approved and funded to trim the northern half of the wooded area in FY2025 and the southern half to be trimmed in FY2026. In the first week of December, the contractor used a forestry mulcher to clear the bulk of the small brush and vines. The following week, a crew removed any remaining four-inch and smaller brush by hand and pruned the larger diameter trees to a 10-foot browse line. There will be a layer of mulch on the ground for a year or two before the area’s ground cover will naturally reestablish itself for City forces to maintain quarterly.

The work taking place along Highland Shores Blvd. is replacement of Wastewater Lift Station #2. Staff identified the wastewater force mains associated with lift stations 2 and 7 to be replaced. Lift Station #2 is located along Highland Shores Blvd. in the Highland Shores subdivision and Lift Station #7 is located on Fairfield Lane in the Castlewood subdivision. The work has begun on Highland Shores and consists of excavating a trench and installing a new pipe to carry wastewater form the lift station to the gravity sewer collections system.

In the City’s continuing work to improve our streets, four streets will receive an asphalt overlay to extend the useful life of the street. These streets are Remington Dr. West, Remington Terrace, Village Tree and Orchid Hill Lane. The project also includes an asphalt overlay of a portion inside the Pilot Knoll Park in the RV camping area.

Make 2025 the year you stay informed of City events and initiatives. You can easily visit and select “Stay Notified” to sign up for the bi-weekly City Manager’s Report which provides updates on City projects, The Villager which is the monthly email newsletter informing you of events and City news, and follow us on social media for the most up-to-the-minute news and information. If you have a question about a project or anything City related, you can use the “Ask us a Question” link at and you’ll receive a prompt answer by email or you can call City offices at 972-899-5105, email [email protected] or stop by City offices. You can help us keep our City maintained and beautiful by letting us know if you see something that needs our attention by using the Eye on Highland Village app. Just search Eye on Highland Village in the app store and download; when you see something we need to address you can snap a picture and submit.

This month also begins the filing time for those interested in serving on City Council. You can learn about what is required to have your name placed on the ballot for the upcoming May 3 General Election. City Council Places 3, 5 and 7 will be on the ballot this year. A General Election will be held on May 3, 2025, for the purpose of electing members to City Council that will serve two-year terms. If you are interested in running for City Council, you may contact the city secretary’s office at (972) 899-5132 for further information or visit to access the necessary forms required to file for a place on the ballot, along with other election forms and notices. Per state law, the filing period to file an application for a place on the ballot is Wednesday, January 15, 2025 through Friday, February 14, 2025.

Dad’s (and Mom’s) mark your calendar for the Daddy Daughter Dance on Friday, Jan. 31. Tickets for residents went on sale Dec. 30 and will open for non-residents on Jan. 6. This dance almost always sells out so you’ll want to get your tickets early! The event, held at the Lewisville Hilton Garden Inn, includes dinner, dancing, door prizes and more. Tickets can be purchased at or at The Robert & Lee DuVall Center at 948B Highland Village Rd.

I’m looking forward to a wonderful 2025. Thank you for your support and love of our community. We do live in the best place!

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