Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Authorities investigating airsoft gun shootings in Lantana

The Denton County Sheriff’s Office is investigating several reports of incidents in Lantana involving cars and people being shot with an airsoft or pellet gun.

The DCSO posted a warning on social media this week about the reported shooting incidents.

Image courtesy of the Denton County Sheriff’s Office

“There is a trend on TikTok to drive around and randomly shoot people with these types of guns,” the sheriff’s office post said. “Although they are marked as a toy, the projectiles are capable of inflicting injury and firing one at a person is a CRIME!”

Lantana resident Jennifer Jenkinson was shot with an airsoft gun this week. Jenkinson said she’s familiar with real guns and with airsoft guns, and she couldn’t tell which kind was being pointed at her.

“When i saw it, I didn’t think it was a toy,” she said. “It was unnerving because it looked very real … it looked like an AR.”

Jenkinson was walking home from the golf course just after 1 p.m. Tuesday when she said she heard something whiz past her, and she looked up and saw a small gray SUV. A teenager in the backseat had the window rolled down and fired again, hitting Jenkinson in the face, near her eye.

“There was a welt there for a couple hours, but I’m fine,” she said. “If it had hit my eye, this would be a different conversation.”

Jenkinson immediately grabbed her phone to take a photo of the vehicle, and the driver — who also appeared to be a teenager — drove away, nearly causing a crash with another vehicle, she said. Jenkinson continued on her way home and reported the incident to law enforcement, who told here they had just received another call about a similar incident.

“This has gotten to the point where it’s serious and people are considering pressing charges,” Jenkinson said. “It’s been going on about six weeks. Parents have been given ample chances to talk to their kids and rein them in.”

Mark Smith
Mark Smith
Mark Smith is the Digital Editor of The Cross Timbers Gazette.

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