Saturday, December 14, 2024

Seeking second term on Flower Mound Town Council

As I reflect on the accomplishments of our town council over the last two years, I can’t help but be thankful for the trust and encouragement the citizens have placed in me during this time.  I have always kept this trust in the top of my mind over these two years, focusing on the will of our residents as well as what is best to move Flower Mound in the right direction.

Today, I ask for that continued support and trust as I announce my intent to seek re-election for Place 3 on Flower Mound Town Council for a second term. I’m extremely proud of the accomplishments I have been a part of to move our town forward with quality residential and commercial development, new and improved streets, parks and amenities all enhancing our quality of life while adhering to my fiduciary responsibility to the tax payers.

During the last two years, I have been faced with many opportunities to seek out opinions from residents and I appreciate those who have contacted me and asked for help, gave me their opinion or asked for more information about my thoughts on a topic.  I truly believe in my responsibility of representing the residents of Flower Mound and not my own personal thoughts. 

For those of you who attend the Town Council meetings or watch them on TV, you already know that I am an Engineer who listens and evaluates the discussion during our meetings and only interject when I feel it is important to make a point or to seek out additional information.  I trust you realize that this is by design as it is my way of processing the information in order to make a good decision and my decisions over the last two years stand on their own.  If you believe I represent you based on my record, I ask for your vote.  If you feel I do not reflect your views, please contact me and let’s discuss the topic.

It is an extremely exciting time for Flower Mound; we have made many accomplishments, with much work to do. I look forward to continuing to represent our residents in the implementation of their expectations. I thank our citizens for their continued support and will continue to take the responsibilities they have placed in me very seriously. As always, if anyone has any questions or would like to talk about anything, I can be reached at 972-454-9473, or email at [email protected].

Mark Wise
Councilmember, Place 3
Town of Flower Mound


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