Thursday, September 12, 2024

LETTER: Why the VATRE and bond election really matters

In the last legislative session, the legislature left school funding at 2019 levels, increased the homestead exemption and cut the tax rate. That all sounds great until you understand if the VATRE (Voter Approved Tax Ratification Election) and bonds do not pass, Lewisville ISD will be forced to cut several programs and staff to balance the budget.

The vast majority of this money is going just to maintain what we have. The money from the VATER can go to keep pay competitive with other districts and maintain staff levels. The bond money will go into maintaining and upgrading our facilities.

We have all seen our property values rise over the past few years. In large part due to the quality of our communities, that our schools, staff and programs help foster.

LISD and all its communities has served us well over the years. Increasing our net worth because of past investments. We must continue to invest and demonstrate this community cares about our schools, staff, programs and future.

Here are the facts:

Bret Wooten
Lewisville, TX

CTG Staff
CTG Staff
The Cross Timbers Gazette News Department

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