Saturday, February 15, 2025

Weir: Flower Mound resident establishes Texans for Judicial Accountability

If you’ve ever had the experience of being part of a courtroom trial, you know how stressful it can be. One never knows how a jury, or a judge will be influenced by the people or the issue that comes before the bench. Judges have a lot of authority over trials, and the demeanor of a judge can have a powerful effect on the outcomes.

Flower Mound resident, Jennifer Lundy is a former reporter, campaign manager, and recent director for State Senator Drew Springer. Ms. Lundy has recently founded Texans for Judicial Accountability, a nonprofit organization that monitors judicial misconduct.

Among the organization’s six-part mission statement are calls for judges to be open, professional, and transparent in their dealings. Part of the Mission Statement reads: “Judges should not be swayed by partisan interests, public clamor, or fear of criticism.” It goes on to state: “Judges should not engage in behavior that is harassing, abusive, prejudiced, or biased.”

Lundy said the group’s long-term goal is to pass legislation that allows scofflaw judges to be easily reprimanded, removed from office, or sued if found to be in violation of ethics guidelines or criminal laws. The group’s proposals include the complete removal of judges from the investigatory process as a means of negating potential bias, the publication of all complaints filed with the SCJC, the placement of cameras in all Texas courtrooms, and the removal of judicial immunity for judges found guilty of misconduct.

Jennifer Lundy came over for an interview to expand on the goals of her organization. She sent this short bio:

“Jennifer Lundy was a long-time Senate Staffer, is a political advisor to numerous legislators, elected officials and candidates, and has been a Certified Shorthand Reporter (Court Reporter).  She has been on Governmental Affairs committees, zoning board of Adjustments, was Chair of Resolutions committee for SD30, Elections Judge, Active member of the Texas Federation of Republican Women, where she is Vice-President of Membership at a local club.

“She was a candidate for SREC 2022.  She has been Director on Meals on Wheels for the Rotary Club, a member of Zonta, Secretary to the Downtown Business Alliance for Weatherford Texas.  She has been a volunteer for numerous charity events and was the volunteer manager for two of the Parker County Reagan Day Dinners.  She has recently made her home Flower Mound, Texas in the great Denton County. After hearing numerous stories of judicial corruption, and after experiencing the same unethical behavior as a non-party to a legal proceeding, Jennifer knew she had her calling.

“She founded Texans for Judicial Accountability in response to the long-standing and well-known issues with the Texas Judiciary and in response to the egregious behavior she experienced firsthand.

With the judiciary almost certain to rule on any new law, ensuring our judges follow those laws is critical.  This issue affects everyone, on both sides of the political aisle, and across every issue in our state. Texans for Judicial Accountability, Inc. is a non-profit organization and relies solely on donations.”

You can find more info at:

Bob Weir
Bob Weir
Bob Weir is a former NYPD officer, long-time Flower Mound resident and former local newspaper editor.

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