Greetings from Town Hall,
Town Council Working to Reduce Property Tax Rate
The town council, staff, treasurer and citizens are working together to develop a final operating budget which will cut our property tax rate in our next fiscal year which begins on October 1.
The current tax rate is 0.23240 per $100. Double Oak has a good financial balance sheet, no bond debt and no bank credit notes. The town operates on a pay-as-we-go philosophy and our town property tax rate is one of the overall lowest in Denton County and North Texas.
If you are a Double Oak resident and have any questions or want to share your thoughts on the proposed budget and tax rate please feel free to contact Mayor Donnelly and Town Council. You are always welcome to attend a town council meeting and share your thoughts and views.
The first public hearing on the 2018-2019 proposed budget and tax rate will be held on Tuesday, September 4 and the second public hearing will be held on Monday, September 17. A called meeting to adopt the 2018-2019 fiscal year budget and tax rate will be held on Monday, September 24 at 7 p.m.
Town Council is the governing body for the town, and as such, some of their responsibilities for our three-thousand residents are:
- Setting the tax rate and adopting the fiscal year budget
- Hiring approval of town personnel
- Authorizing the payment of town bills
- Build and maintain town roads
- Maintain and improve town facilities and equipment
- Provide for the data service and archival needs of the town
- Provide for Police – Fire and EMS service
Pepperport Lane Proposed 1-Acre Subdivision Development
The Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing at 7 p.m. on Sept. 6 to consider and act upon the request from Drew Walling on behalf of Genara Hillpot to rezone the property located at 5900 Pepperport from Agricultural-1 (AG-1) to Ranch Estates (RE), review a preliminary development plan, replat 9.12 acres in the “NORTH SHILOH ADDN BLK TR 5 (NE PT)” to seven 1 acre minimum lots.
The Town Council will hold a public hearing on this request at 7 p.m. on Sept. 17.
The public hearings will be held in the Town Council Chambers at Town Hall at 320 Waketon Road. All interested persons are invited to attend and participate.
Waketon Road Widening – Drainage Improvement Project
Engineering and planning are ongoing for this public works project. Please contact town hall for information or questions.
Whispering Oaks Paving Project
This street paving project will start soon. Please contact town hall for information or questions.
Town Secretary Email Information Group
Town Secretary Charlotte Allen began this information email group a couple of years ago. It is used as a tool for town hall to get information out fast to our residents. If you wish to be added, please email Charlotte at [email protected]. Town information can always be found on the town’s website at www.double-oak.com
Copper Canyon Vickery Property
Please see Mayor Sue Tejml’s column in this newspaper or contact the Town of Copper Canyon for current information or to answer questions about this property’s proposed development.
Waste Management News
Reminder to please have recycle and trash carts at the street before 7 a.m. on Fridays. All cardboard and recycling are required to be inside the recycle cart. The 3rd Friday of each month is our bulk day. Residents are allowed twelve trips to the WM DFW Landfill annually. You will be asked to show your driver’s license and current Waste Management bill for identification.
Double Oak Appreciates and Thanks First Responders
The Town of Double Oak sincerely appreciates and thanks all First Responders, who without hesitation, risk their lives each day coming to our aid so that we may be healthy and safe – God Bless them and their families
In Honor of September 11, God Bless the United States of America and Never Forget