May 5, 2018 Town Council Regular and Special Elections
The town council elections have been cancelled.
The filing period for the three council seats with two-year terms has closed. The following candidates are unopposed: Anita Nelson, Joe Dent and Andrew Wills.
There is also a special election to fill a one-year town council seat vacancy and the filing deadline for that election has passed. Only one candidate, Ginger Brittain, filed for the open council seat.
Town of Double Oak Annual Audit
Our auditor, Carl Deaton, has completed his work and given his report to the council. Mr. Deaton reported there were no issues with the annual audit and pointed out areas where the town has strengthened its financial position. This audit report, along with past years, can be found on the town’s website.
Planning and Zoning Commission to Review Accessory Building Ordinance
The Planning and Zoning Commission has been asked to review this ordinance. Please check the town website or contact town staff for more information on when the commission will meet.
Trash and Recycle Carts Curbside Timing Guidelines
In the Town’s efforts to maintain its Scenic City designation and keep our neighborhoods attractive, the Town is asking for your assistance and cooperation. Please adhere to the curbside timing guideline in the Waste Management-Double Oak brochure.
To ensure collection, carts must be at the curb no later than 7 a.m. on the scheduled trash pick-up day. Double Oak asks that residents place trash and recycling carts, including third Friday bulk, at the curb no earlier than 8 a.m. the day before collection and to remove the carts from the curb by 8 a.m. on the day following your collection. Courtesy letters will go out to property owners when carts are found at the street past the stated guideline. Thank you for your help on this matter.
Double Oak Women’s Club Community Service News
DOWC’s annual Community Pancake Breakfast and Easter Egg Hunt at the Double Oak Fire Station will be held on Saturday, March 24.
The Casino Night fundraiser is Saturday, April 7 at Town Hall. Table sponsorships are available.
The deadline for Double Oak high school students to apply for the $500 DOWC Scholarship is Friday, April 6.
Please check the Double Oak Women’s Club website at for more information
Have a fun and safe Spring Break!