Sunday, December 15, 2024

PediPlace gets healthy grant

Cooler weather means relief for most North Texans, but for PediPlace, a nonprofit clinic that treats uninsured children, it means more sniffles and sore throats.

To help them treat these children, the CoServ Charitable Foundation presented the Lewisville clinic a $35,000 grant Thursday — the second-biggest award in the foundation’s history.

PediPlace scales the prices of its services to what parents can afford, making donations a significant part of the clinic’s budget. This latest CCF grant will support purchases of consumable materials and payment for lab-testing costs. 

“The biggest thing that we get in the clinic is flu and strep and asthma-related respiratory stuff,” said PediPlace Chief Executive Officer Larry Robins.

The money will purchase swabs, gauze and disposable equipment used to measure oxygen intake of asthma patients, among other items. Robins said the money would allow PediPlace’s staff to practice medicine without having to keep an eye on the budget. 

“Our providers need to practice medicine the way the best practice says to practice medicine,” he said.

PediPlace treats 6,000 children a year in Denton County and beyond and will celebrate its 20th anniversary in February.

“We partner with PediPlace because of the value, the impact, they make in our community,” said CCF Executive Director Dennis Engelke, who presented the check.

PediPlace is now CCF’s fourth-highest dollar recipient, said CoServ District 6 Board Director Bill Ragsdale, who also attended the check presentation. “It has touched the lives of a lot of kids.”

For more information about PediPlace, visit For details about CCF and its stewardship, including how to apply for a grant and/or make a tax-deductible contribution to the 501(c)(3) not-for-profit charitable organization, visit>Community>CoServ Charitable Foundation or click the CCF tab at

Pictured above – Back row: PediPlace Board Directors Curtis Samuels (left) and Jonathan Aldis, CCF Executive Director Dennis Engelke, Board Directors Doug Killough and Kevin Rogers. Front row: Board Director Melissa DeWitt (left), CoServ Board Director Bill Ragsdale, PediPlace CEO Larry Robbins, and CoServ Employee Lauren Baccus.

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