Friday, April 26, 2024

Stephenson served with high integrity

I’ve enjoyed the pleasure of serving on the McKamy Sanctuary HOA with Kendra Stephenson this past year.  Prior to serving, I had never met Kendra and my only experience had been through HOA communications.  Serving on the Sanctuary HOA board, I came to know Kendra as a bright, thoughtful and fair individual with the highest integrity whose decisions were based solely on the best interest of Sanctuary homeowners.  I believe Kendra’s Town Council candidacy offers an opportunity for the Town of Flower Mound to benefit from the effective leadership Kendra demonstrated as McKamy Sanctuary HOA President.

As with any HOA, the McKamy Sanctuary HOA Board received critical feedback from a few homeowners representing the vocal minority during my tenure.  It’s come to my attention that these few vocal minority of Sanctuary homeowners are spreading misinformation in an effort to derail Kendra’s Town Council candidacy.  The issue cited in this effort is the decision and resulting action taken by the Sanctuary HOA Board to resolve erosion issues along Simmons Road under Kendra’s leadership as HOA Board President.  The facts related to the Simmons Road erosion issue are as follows:

– Sanctuary HOA Board members are elected by Sanctuary homeowners and given the responsibility and obligation to make logical, informed decisions in the best interest of Sanctuary homeowners.

– Sanctuary bordering grounds along Simmons Road and running adjacent to the walking / biking path lacked vegetation and therefore were eroding and causing soil run off onto expansive sections of the walking / biking path.

– Toll Brothers neglected to address this issue as part of the McKamy Sanctuary development and therefore the HOA Board was left to resolve the issue

– The HOA Board was advised that while legal fees could be significant, the probability of pursuing successful recourse against Toll Brothers unlikely

– Resolving the issue was not a matter of “if” it needed to be addressed but a matter of “how” and “when”

– “When” … the past HOA Board under Kendra’s leadership felt a duty to address the issue rather than “kicking the can down the road” and passing along to the next Board

– “How” … third party experts were consulted, bids were collected and the difficult decision was made to take action and address the issue

While no Sanctuary homeowner wanted the $300 / home assessment to resolve the issue, it was the right thing to do.  My family and I learned of our relocation from Flower Mound to Ohio around the time this decision was in front of the HOA Board.  I personally had the most to gain by pushing the decision off to the next HOA Board and leaving any assessment to the new homeowner.  Doing so, however, would have meant shirking my responsibility and obligation as a Sanctuary HOA Board Member to make decisions in the best interest of all Sanctuary homeowners.

My hope is that those who read these comments will actively participate in the political process and vote for your next Town Council.  You may decide to cast a vote for Kendra Stephenson or you may not … that’s your choice.  Just know that Kendra demonstrated fair, thoughtful and effective leadership in the role of Sanctuary HOA President.  It has been my experience and it’s my opinion that the few vocal minority Sanctuary homeowners who criticize Kendra’s leadership as Sanctuary HOA President sadly do so out of petty personal bias rather than factual logic.

My family and I have enjoyed our combined 8 years as Flower Mound residents and we wish the Town of Flower Mound and the Sanctuary Community all the best the future holds!

Kirk Arnold
Flower Mound, TX

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