Thursday, April 25, 2024

Letter: Setting the record straight

Recently an attack was made on my qualifications to serve as your Constable by one of my opponent’s supporters.  This attack was full of misrepresentation and outright lies.  The voters in Precinct 1 deserve to know the TRUTH as the FACTS are quite a bit different from what Mr. Tourk wrote.

Falsehood #1: That I have only the bare minimum training to be a licensed officer.

Truth: According to the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (Jan. 20, 2014), I have been awarded the following certifications over and above the basic Peace Office License: both Intermediate and Advanced Peace Officer; Instructor Proficiency; Sexual Assault/Family Violence Investigator, plus three levels of Jailer Proficiency, including Advanced. Hardly just the minimum requirement!

Falsehood #2: That I have been turned down by other law enforcement agencies for employment.

Truth:  I have never been turned down for employment with any law enforcement agency other than the current sheriff, who is known to be very close with Jesse Flores. 

Voters should ask themselves “If they are willing to lie about these things, what else are they going to lie about?” Isn’t it time to return honesty, integrity and experience to the Constable’s office?

I agree with Mr. Tourk that voters should investigate their candidates. Ask the Texas Rangers about Constable Flores. Or read the Ranger’s affidavit about his failure to cooperate here:

I am very willing to discuss my experience and background with anyone who would like to contact me at 940-367-2945.

Johnny Hammons
Denton, TX

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